Sep 8, 2023

Have you noticed any troubling signs that your Subaru’s transmission may be having issues? You should visit your Subaru dealer immediately for a diagnosis and repair. Transmission issues tend to occur as vehicles rack up the miles. However, with proper transmission repair, your Subaru will continue running at its best.

Does Your Subaru Need Transmission Repair? Visit Your Subaru Dealer Today

Loss of Power When Accelerating

Most Subaru vehicles are known for their ability to deliver exhilarating speed with smooth acceleration, so it might come as a shock when you try to accelerate and your vehicle loses power. If you step on the gas and notice your Subie feels sluggish and weak, you may be dealing with a faulty transmission.

This frustrating loss of power is usually caused by worn gears in the transmission. Worn gears are unable to transfer engine power to the wheels properly, causing your vehicle to feel sluggish. Our certified technicians have the right tools to repair your gears and restore your vehicle’s accelerating power.

Transmission Fluid Leaks

If the ground underneath your vehicle has patches of dark red fluid, your Subaru has a transmission leak. Transmission leaks usually result from a cracked pan, a damaged gasket or seal, or a loose connection. Low fluid levels caused by leaks can allow air into the transmission lines and lead to damage.

Transmission leaks can also prevent smooth gear shifts and lead to acceleration issues. If you notice a leak, bring your car to the dealership for repair. Our technicians can repair the damaged lines, replace the cracked pan, and install new gaskets and seals. They will also refill the transmission fluid to enable the car to shift gears and accelerate smoothly.

Slipping Gears 

Have you noticed that your Subie’s gears are struggling to catch when accelerating or slowing down? This problem points to worn components in the transmission. When the transmission gears and synchronizers become excessively worn from age and use, they struggle to engage the right gear as you drive.

If you have a manual Subaru, you will notice hesitation and the gears slipping to neutral when you engage them. With automatic transmissions, the car will make grinding or whining sounds when shifting from one gear to another. You should visit the dealership immediately to get the transmission diagnosed and repaired.

Burning Smell in the Cabin

If you notice a burning smell in the car while driving, your transmission may be overheating. One role of transmission fluid is to lubricate the moving parts. If the fluid is low, the parts will grind against each other and overheat, causing a burning smell. Don’t drive your Subaru with an overheating transmission, as this may cause permanent damage to the components.

You need a healthy transmission to enjoy the power, speed, and smooth handling your Subaru is known for. If you notice these signs of trouble, get the problem fixed immediately to prevent costly damage to the transmission. Contact Jim Keras Subaru Hacks Cross to schedule a professional diagnosis and repair.